
When reading The Westing Game, there was a character named Turtle. Her clues were SEA    MOUNTAIN   AM   O. With these clues, she  puts them into stocks and makes money. In The Westing Game, Turtle loses money and makes money too. When we were doing our stocks and choosing businesses, I chose Shake shack, Target, GE, and Nike. I wanted to choose businesses that were popular yet useful. I chose GE because it was useful to people. Making money and losing money was fun because you could learn from your mistakes.If you got another chance you could do better. Overall, learning about stocks was very fun and working with Mrs. Sprague and Mrs. Donnelly  was great! I especially liked learning about businesses that my family uses a lot. For example, we eat at Shake Shack once a week and  we have a GE washer and dryer in my house. 

Overall, I was glad to learn about something that will be useful later in my life. I will probably buy stocks when I am older.

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